Anthurium Radicans Care Guide

Anthurium Radicans Care Guide

The Anthurium Radicans is a popular plant that can be found in many garden centers. The scientific name also knows as “Anthurium andraeanum.” The plant has green leaves with white spots on them, and it produces small flowers that range from yellow to orange. This article will go over the care and requirements for this beautiful houseplant, so you can keep yours blooming beautifully!

Anthurium Radicans Care Guide Overview

Characteristics Anthurium Radicans

  • Scientific name and Common names: Anthurium Radicans, Flame Anemone
  • Origin: Brazil
  • Indoor or outdoor plant: Indoor
  • Height and structure: 0.5-1′ tall with 0.5-2′ broad leaves, usually grown in containers
  • Temperature: Temperatures below 40° Fahrenheit (5° Celsius) gradually increased in the cold months
  • Flower color: orange-yellow

How To Plant the Anthurium Radicans

Planting time

The Anthurium Radicans is a plant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. It grows best in the spring, but it will grow all year round if planted outside.Planting anthurium indoors should only happen during the winter months.

Please make sure there are no leaves on your houseplant before you put it into its new pot! Choose a container with drainage holes to prevent root rot, which is very common for this type of tropical plant. Use rich soil that drains quickly to ensure proper moisture levels for these plants as well.

Place your indoor anthurium at least two feet away from any heat source like vents or radiators because they cause dry air around them, which can damage their delicate flowers over time.

If planting your Anthurium Radicans outside, choose a location that gets a lot of sunlight. Make sure you put it in an area with good drainage because this plant cannot handle standing water at all! The pot should also be placed on top of a layer of pebbles or rocks to ensure proper aeration around the roots.


Ensure a minimum of a foot and a half between each Anthurium Radicans indoor! For outdoor plants, you should have at least 2 feet of space between them. If they are too close to one another, their leaves will die due to not having enough sunlight.


Anthurium Radicans requires bright filtered light during winter months with some direct sun if grown outside. During the summer months, provide partial shade by placing it in a very bright room for a few hours each day until late afternoon before moving it into a shady spot for the remainder of the day. If grown indoors, no direct sun is necessary.


Anthurium plants are tolerant of low light levels but prefer temperatures between 65°F – 75° F (18°C -23° C). If your plant is growing outside where temperatures regularly reach 80 °F (27 °C) or higher, move it inside to a shadier area immediately. When the temperature starts dropping in late fall, move it indoors for the winter months if necessary.

Anthurium Radicans do not like freezing weather, so make sure that outdoor plants are protected during frigid temperatures. Keep soil moist when cold by covering them with mulch. An average home is perfect for growing this plant full-time!’


Remove the plants from their nursery pots; break up all of the soil outside of them. Then, use a spoon to loosen up the middle of each plant’s root ball before putting it into its new pot. Fill in around the roots with new rich organic soil before finishing off by gently patting down the top layer of soil.

Water well after planting – keep moist but not too wet until you see new growth, at which time allow to dry out between watering. If growing outdoors in warm climates, protect transplants during summer months with shade cloth or move container inside for winter months when they can go outside in warmer weather.

How To Grow the Anthurium Radicans

Growth habits

Anthurium plants grow from a central rosette of long, fleshy leaves with no stem. Occasionally, Anthurium plants flower on a short flowering stem just above the foliage with a raceme of flowers that bloom from the bottom to the top. However, they will grow new leaves as they mature and eventually flower on very long stems.


Anthurium plants do not need staking. The variety you choose will determine if it tends to grow upright or more leaning if grown outdoors. They can be grown in containers either way and trimmed as required to create an attractive shape.

They do not like to stay in small pots, so report once or twice a year when growing outside, and if grown indoors, re-pot every second year. They do not need pinching back as long as they are grown in suitable conditions.


The Anthurium Radicans can grow in full sun or partial shade, so the amount of water it needs will vary based on where you live and how much light your plant gets each day. Ensure that this tropical beauty always has plenty of moisture around its roots by keeping the soil moist at all times!

You don’t want to let these plants dry out because they do not like humidity when their leaves turn yellow. If any parts of your anthurium are wilting, give them a good drink right away!

If growing outside during the summer months, reduce watering frequency slightly but keep soil evenly moist throughout the season. Reduce watering even more once fall comes, and temperatures begin to drop.

If growing your anthurium indoors, keep the soil moist at all times! Keep a close eye on your plant, so you notice any signs of wilting as soon as possible. If leaves curl or turn yellow, water immediately.


Anthurium plants are slow-growing and do not need to be fertilized. Although they do appreciate a little feeding now and again, avoid adding fertilizer during the winter months. If you choose to feed your plant, use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half every two weeks or sprinkle the top layer of soil with granular time-release fertilizer according to package directions once each year in early spring before new growth begins for best results.


Anthuriums are very adaptable to their growing conditions and the humidity level in the air. If you’re growing this tropical beauty indoors, aim for 40-60% relative humidity. Misting occasionally will help keep your plant happy and healthy. They prefer humid conditions, which cause yellow leaves.


Mulching around the plant with bark will help retain moisture. However, it can also attract ants. With indoor plants, avoid using mulch as this may cause root rot. It is not recommended to use mulch around outdoor plants to attract ants, and these ants can damage the roots. The best option is to use ground bark or even just soil in this case.

Trimming and Pruning

Anthurium plants only need to be trimmed back if they start looking too large or become leggy. Prune by removing stems with long internodes (spaces between leaves) and any dead, dying, damaged, or diseased tissue. Root pruning may also help when re-potting.

When trimming central leaves, be careful not to damage the growing point at the center. This plant responds well to hard pruning. If you cut off a stem with a bloom on it, the plant will often produce another flower later in the season.

Pot and re-potting

Anthuriums do not like being over-potted, so only report this beauty every second year or if they are growing too big for their current pot. When re-potting your anthurium, make sure you remove the old soil, trim off any dead or blackened roots and use a different type of soil to avoid root rot.

Include some organic material like peat moss in the new potting mix to provide nutrients and improve drainage. Place plants slightly lower than before in marginally more significant pots because these plants do not like spending time in small containers.


Propagating Anthurium Radicans is done easiest from cuttings. The plant will readily sprout new growth from the central rosette and even produce a flower stem in certain conditions!! Dig up a healthy plant and break off a few large sections of the branch.

Leave plenty of roots intact when doing this, as these stems will likely root when placed into the potting mix. New growth from the base of Anthurium Radicans can also be propagated by separating growths called “pups,” which form around the base of mature plants. Remove these with care and place them in their pots until they develop some roots.

Divide and Transplant

Divide mature plants every two to three years to promote a dense, bushy plant. Divide the plant by holding the base of the stem with one hand and cutting through the leaves with a sharp knife held in the other. Discard the old center of the Anthurium Radicans as it will not grow back. Place new divisions into pots filled with moist potting mix.

Pests and Diseases

Anthurium plants are very resilient but can still be bothered by some pests. Aphids, mealybugs, scale insects all like to munch on the tender new foliage of Anthurium Radicans, so treat them quickly with an appropriate pesticide before things get out of hand.

Verticillium wilt is a common disease that causes older leaves to turn yellow, die off and drop while the plant continues producing new growth at its base. The best way to prevent this is by ensuring your soil is well-drained, and you avoid overwatering! It is also essential to remove any decaying or dead material from around the base of your plant once in a while, especially during cooler months when the plant is not actively growing.

Plant Species

The Anthurium genus (Anthurium) comprises about 500 beautiful species, most of which are native to Central and South America, where they like warm, humid areas. These plants are among the easiest topicals to grow indoors or outdoors in pots or gardens with minimal effort!!!
An example of this is the Anthurium Radicans or “Flame” anthurium. This plant has lily pad-shaped leaves that are light green with a red petiole (stem).

They produce flowers frequently during summer months that generally start as drooping, dark red spathes (modified leaves that surround spadix) that open like a funnel to reveal brilliant orange blooms. The scent of these flowers isn’t powerful, but you can still smell them from close by, which makes this beauty even more exceptional!

Another member of the Anthurium genus is the Anthurium Andraeanum, commonly found in florist shops and grocery stores worldwide! This plant has arrow-shaped leaves that are dark green on top with silver splotches and red undersides. The “Elephant Ear” anthurium produces large, white flowers with an even larger petiole than its cousin, Radicans. Although it can take several years to grow flowers, this plant captures attention because of its size!


Anthuriums are said to be best suited when kept with other tropical plants that like similar growing conditions. Try placing them near Philodendrons or Peace Lilies because these houseplants require lots of humidity and moist soil. They all also appreciate good air circulation and indirect sunlight!


The sap of Anthurium Radicans and other members of the anthurium genus can be toxic if ingested, so avoid touching your mouth or eyes while handling these plants. They also produce oxalates that react to the skin just like poison ivy, so it is best to wear gloves when re-potting! If ingested, it can be toxic to pets, so avoid having your cat or dog chewing on the leaves! If you see your pet chewing on any part of your Anthurium houseplant, remove it immediately and contact your vet for further assistance!

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