Looking for information on how to care for Ficus triangularis? Taking care of this adorable little fig tree isn’t difficult, but it isn’t simple either. This page explains how to care for it. Read below to find out.
Ficus Triangularis Care Guide Overview
- How To Plant (when & where)
- How To Grow (staking, watering, fertilizing, humidity, mulching)
- How To Trim And Prune
- How To Pot And Repot
- How To Propagate (when & how)
- And Pests and Diseases, Plant Species, Companions, Toxicity
- Scientific Name: Ficus triangularis
- Common Name: Dwarf Triangle Fig
- Origin: South Africa
- Indoor/Outdoor Plant: Common indoor houseplant. Grows well outdoors in native environments
- Height; Structure: It reaches a height of 3 meters and covers a maximum area of 26-foot square.
- Temperature: Does best in indoor temperatures above 55°F (13°C). The ideal ranges between 60°F and 75°F (16°C to 24°C).
- Flower Color: Triangular leaves craftily decorated, sometimes with creamy white edges
How to Plant the Ficus Triangularis
Ficus triangularis thrives in full sun if shaded. So be sure to shield the waxy triangle leaves by placing them in indirect sunlight. Still, ample sunlight is required to keep the plant healthy and the leaves robust. Foliage needs eight hours of sunlight per day.
If it’s too dark, consider moving it to sunny south or west-facing room. You might also utilize artificial light to increase lighting.
Beautiful leaf variegation on a Ficus triangularis ‘Variegata’ requires lots of sun. Light helps preserve the creamy-white markings on the lush green foliage.
If you detect a change in the color of the variegated ficus plant’s foliage, move the plant to a brighter area—but not under direct sunlight.
A well-draining all-purpose potting soil is ideal for Ficus Triangularis because of its shallow root system. Perlite or vermiculite can be added to the mix to help with drainage. Mix equal portions of sphagnum peat, pine bark, and gritty sand to create your unique blend.
You can also use regular potting soil to grow it. This is ideal for novices because you don’t need to fret about precise soil mixes like you would with fussier species like cactus or orchids.
Ficus triangularis prefers moist, well-draining soil for optimum growth. When you’re finished watering, let the water runoff completely to ensure that the soil is completely dry.
When it comes to soil PH balance, this plant doesn’t care in the slightest.
Aim for a pH of 7.0 in the soil. Composting is a great technique to give it a boost. It replenishes depleted soil minerals vital to plant growth.
How to Grow the Ficus Triangularis
Growth habits
When planted in a pot indoors, Ficus triangularis can develop to be a little tree with a height of up to four feet (1.2m). It has erect, glossy, mid-green to dark-green leaves coated branches. The leaves are shaped like a triangle, which makes them stand out.
Ficus triangularis is a show-stopper in an indoor garden courtesy of its eye-catching triangle-shaped leaves. Potted plants can reach 4 feet (1.2m), but they are usually much shorter. If it starts to grow too tall, trimming it will help retain the shape.
Ficus triangularis cultivars have small, pale red, semi-round fruits. To attract birds to your garden, pluck some ripe fruits and put them in a bird feeder outside.
You won’t have to repot for a long time because of the modest growth. Keep your plant in its designated location. It is not fond of being moved.
Your Ficus triangularis should be well watered and then permitted to dry out before re-watering it. Only water if the soil is completely dry.
To find out if the soil is dry, press your finger into the container. There shouldn’t be any wetness on your skin.
Check to see if your container has enough drainage holes to allow the water to flow out properly. Make sure they aren’t blocked at all times. To prevent soil from clogging your pot’s holes, place a layer of small pebbles at the base before adding your plant.
Use water that is at room temperature to water your plant. Slowly add water to the pot until it is completely covered. Let the water drain completely. To avoid a messy situation, work over a sink or a basin—you don’t want to have mud and debris all over your counters or floor.
As a general rule, water twice every 7 to 10 days in summer, depending on how quickly your soil dries. Watering should be reduced to once every ten days in the fall and winter.
During the growing season, exclusively use organic fertilizer on Ficus triangularis. Once a month, apply a dilute solution of all-purpose fertilizer. Pour it into a puddle of damp soil after diluting it by a quarter.
You should never pour fertilizer on dry soil since it can cause the roots to be burned. Give your plant plenty of water until the soil is moist but not dripping. After that, add the fertilizer solution to the pot.
Ficus triangularis is a fast-growing tree that does well when fed. Fertilize during the growing season for best results. In the winter, there is no need to fertilize.
Invest in a quality all-purpose fertilizer from your local nursery and use it as directed.
Instead of using chemical fertilizers, use organic ones made from manure and other natural ingredients. Some of the decomposed material can be added to your soil if you have a composting kit. It is beneficial to all plants, including your Ficus triangularis.
Never give your plant too much fertilizer. This can harm the roots. When in doubt, less is more—in short, don’t overdo it.
Ficus triangularis thrives in slightly higher-than-average humidity levels. The humidity level in the usual home is between 40% and 50%; therefore, raising it with a tiny humidifier will bolster your plant.
Humidity levels in the average home could be improved by misting the plant or surrounding it with water basins. So, you can mist spray the plant’s leaves occasionally to increase the dampness.
Additionally, you can surround your plants with open shallow water containers. As the water vaporizes, it adds to the air’s humidity. A bathroom or kitchen is good because they have a higher humidity level than other areas in your home.
Note that the variegated type is far more sensitive to moisture and will always require a greater humidity level.
Pruning and Trimming
Pruning is also beneficial for ficus plants; they can get very wild, and pruning can assist in maintaining a clean appearance. Moreover, it promotes branching, thus creating a much fuller plant.
Remove any sections of the plant that appear to be growing abnormally fast. To accomplish this, use clean, sanitized scissors or knives.
Repotting and Potting
Plant in a drainage-holed terracotta or clay pot. Utilize a multipurpose potting soil enriched with peat and perlite. After planting, thoroughly water, fertilize and locate in an area that receives plenty of bright light but not direct sunlight.
Place your Ficus triangularis in an attractive indoor container. Make sure that it has sufficient holes in the bottom at the base to allow water to drain. Rather than a narrow tall pot, a flatter, low pot is recommended for this plant.
At the base, put a layer of crushed granite, as mentioned before, to allow for airflow and drainage. Fill your pot halfway with all-purpose potting soil. Plant your Ficus in the pot’s center. Use a scoop or spoon to fill in the sides. Avoid compacting the soil excessively. Water thoroughly, fertilize, and position in a bright, well-lit area. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
Because triangularis is a sluggish grower, it does not require frequent repotting. Perhaps every few years. If you notice roots emerging from the top or drainage hole, act immediately! When repotting the plant, be sure to use new soil.
You can also reproduce the majority of the cuttings you remove from your plant. Ensure that you perform this activity in summer or spring. Follow the steps below to propagate your Ficus appropriately.
- Take cuttings from the plant and trim them to a few inches in length—each cutting should have no less than one pair of healthy leaves.
- Place the cuttings in a potting mix with holes—that’s well-draining— and keep them moist until they root.
- The cutting should start to root after a few weeks. You can stop watering the plant and begin treating it like any other triangularis.
Pests That May Affect Your Plant’s Growth
Common pests, including whiteflies, spider mites, and mealybugs, can wreak havoc on the growth of ficus triangularis. Use a neem oil spray to remove plant bugs. In a spray bottle, combine two teaspoons neem oil, one teaspoon liquid laundry detergent, and 1liter water.
To repel pests from your ficus tree, liberally spray the DIY insecticide on all surfaces of the triangular leaves. Allow time for drying. Rep the natural bug treatment after seven days until the annoying insects have vanished completely.
It is critical to understand the indicators of a pest plague to deal with it effectively. For instance, yellowing leaves or black sooty mildew on foliage may signal a pest problem.
The following are some methods for identifying hazardous insects on your plant:
- Spider mites: Spider mites can be identified by their delicate hair-like web strands that hang from leaves. You may detect webbing on stems and leaves if you have a major spider mite infestation.
- Whiteflies: When you touch the waxy leaf, you will notice small white flies that begin escaping from the plant.
- Mealybugs: This insect resembles little tufts of feathery cotton on leaf and stem undersides. Additionally, mealybugs leave a cotton wool-like residue on leaves.
Diseases That May Affect Your Plant
Incorrect watering or inadequate air circulation can result in leaf spots, botrytis blight, powdery mildew, and root rot on Ficus triangularis plants. Typical symptoms of this plant’s disease include yellowing and browning leaves and brown patches on foliage.
If you detect yellowing leaves, remove and discard them. Then, inspect the soil for moisture. If the soil appears to be saturated, it is preferable to repot your Ficus in new potting soil. After that, water the Ficus only when the soil’s top layer is completely dry.
Another technique to aid in restoring a ficus plant’s health is to provide optimal growing surroundings. Place the pot in an area that receives plenty of bright light. If the foliage is excessively dense, thin it out with some light trimming to improve air circulation.
Varieties and Similar Plants of Ficus triangularis
Other variants or similar plants to the Ficus triangularis include the following:
Variegata Ficus triangularis
It is sometimes referred to as Hearts in the Snow. It is one of the more unusual plants that you can have in your home. The plant is uncommon and features green leaves with cream-colored flaws. It is resilient and can withstand adversity.
The Ficus Altissima, or the Council Tree
This is a huge plant having aerial roots and a more than 100-foot-wide crown. It has elliptic egg-shaped leaves and bears golden figs that become red when ripe. (more on Ficus Altissima)
Fig Benjamin
When young, this is more of a shrub and is used as an ornate or shade tree. The leathery leaves bear weeping red fruits. The intriguing part is that wasps mate inside the fruit.
Willow-leafed Fig
This species grows in rocky outcrops near kloofs and watercourses. It rarely exceeds 30 feet tall. Its figs turn red as they mature and are miniature-sized, hairless, and have short stems.
Ficus plants produce a milky-white toxic sap that’s irritable if it comes into contact with the skin. It’s also toxic when consumed.
To avoid poisoning, it is wise to keep the plant away from dogs and children. Additionally, it is essential to wear rubber gear when cutting the triangular leaves of the plant.