Marble Queen Pothos Care Guide

Marble Queen Pothos Care Guide

For a variety of reasons, the Marble Queen Pothos is a great and fascinating plant! Marble Queen Pothos is a lovely plant with magnificent color and variegation. It’s also a plant that’s incredibly adaptive and difficult to kill (thus the nickname Devil’s Ivy).

Marble Queen Pothos Care Guide Overview

Characteristics of Marble Queen Pothos

  • Scientific name: Epipremnum aureum is a member of the Araceae family of arum plants.
  • Common name: Money plant, golden pothos, Ceylon creeper, hunter’s robe, ivy arum
  • Origin: The tropical aroid vine is native to French Polynesia.
  • Indoor or Outdoor plant: In hanging baskets or growing in pots, tropical indoor plants are gorgeous.
  • Height and Structure: If given a chance, a Marble Queen Pothos can become huge and unruly.
  • Temperature: The temperature of your Marble Queen Pothos must be kept between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18-29 degrees Celsius)
  • Flower Color: It has green heart-shaped leaflets with a lot of milky whites splattered on them.

How To Plant The Marble Queen Pothos

Marble Queen Pothos is a highly adaptable houseplant that grows quickly and looks great in any setting. The light green leaves with creamy white variegation add a splash of brightness and elegance to the arrangement.

Did we mention how simple it is to grow? When picking which plants to bring indoors, the first step is to ensure they’ll survive while you’re away. You don’t want to have to cope with a houseplant that requires more attention than you do.

Marble Queen Pothos is minimal and virtually maintenance-free. It looks great in a hanging basket as well as in a regular container.

Planting Time

Use a well-aerated potting soil and drains quickly; if the earth is bulky and doesn’t flow well, add just a little gravel to the mix. Move to the NEXT size pot once the roots have filled the old one. In a small pot, a marble queen pothos prefers to be root-bound. In a year or less, it can reach a height of 1.5 feet. Although Marble Queen Pothos likes bright, indirect light, it may still thrive in low-light environments.


The size of the root ball determines the amount of space required. Pothos rarely has to be repotted and can survive in a smaller container, which helps to keep the plant from getting too big. Typically, a new container should not be larger than the old pot or the root ball by even more than 2 inches. The plant will have enough area to flourish in a pot with a depth of 10 inches. If the roots start to clog the drainage holes or the plant begins to rise from the ground, it’s time to relocate it to a bigger container. It implies that they require more space.


Low-light situations suit the Marble Queen Pothos pretty well. It also works well in low-light situations. However, I can report from the individual perspective that this plant flourishes in brilliant, indirect light as provided as it is not exposed to light. The Marble Queen Pothos is incredibly flexible and will thrive in any environment.

The foliage color and variegated are the main differences you’ll observe based on the amount of light it receives. While it performed admirably in moderate sunlight, the flower flourished when placed in bright, indirect light. When exposed to bright, indirect light, the colors became significantly stronger, providing the variegation a more obvious contrast of white and green, with no yellow tint.


The ‘Marble Queen’ pothos requires a nutrient-rich potting mix with water infiltration to thrive. Perlite promotes permeability, and organic matter retains the correct quantity of moisture. It’s critical to use the right sort of pot. It’s important that the container isn’t too big and that it has drainage holes. In addition, terracotta pots hold more moisture than plastic or ceramic pots.

Water should be able to drain quickly through the proper type of potting soil. Waterlogging and root rot will occur quickly in heavy clay-type soil. A light, sandy soil, on the other hand, will not maintain the roots moistly. Aim for a mix of water holding capacity and fast drainage when growing your devil’s ivy. If the plant becomes rootbound, you’ll need to report it in a larger pot with fresh soil.

How To Grow The Marble Queen Pothos

Growth habits

Pothos are climbing plants that climb up trees using their aerial roots in their native habitat. Enabling your pothos to ascend will enable it to grow and prosper, and since the marble queen develops slower, providing it something to ascend will speed up the process! Giving your plants a moss rod is the simplest approach to encourage them to climb. Remember to spritz your moss rod as part of your irrigation regimen to give those aerial root systems a drink as well. Remember to spritz your moss rod as part of your irrigation regimen to give those aerial root systems a drink as well.


Rainforests are the natural habitat for pothos and other tropical clematis plants. As they grow towards the dense canopy in search of sunshine, these plants send out aerial roots that connect to tree bark. The awesome thing is that you can train any variety of pothos to climb indoors or outside in your garden.


Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Water every 1-2 weeks. Watering should be done more frequently in a better light and less frequently in lower light. Water thoroughly in the spring and summer, then let the top half of the soil dry up before watering again. Allow the soil to dry almost completely before irrigation in the fall and winter. If in doubt, wait until the leaves have softened and drooped a little before watering.


Almost every month, feed with a high-nitrogen plant food diluted to 1/2 the recommended dosage. The ideal temperature range is 65°F to 85°F (18.3°C to 29.4°C). If the temperature falls below 55°F (12.8°C), the potho may be harmed. In normal household moisture, Marble Queen pothos thrive. The most common type of fertilizer for pothos is liquid. It’s simple to dilute and apply liquefied houseplant fertilizer when spraying.


The ‘ Marble Queen ‘ pothos thrives when the humidity level is between 40% and 60%. As long as you water your pothos plants frequently enough, ordinary interior humidity is usually ideal. Marble pothos benefits from regular misting or growing on a humidity tray when the humidity is low. Heat in the home can dry up the air, making it unsuitable for tropical houseplants.


If you want to go a little more “pro” with your Marble Pothos maintenance, fertilize the earth at least once a month with compost or liquid seaweed solution. This promotes foliage growth and gives the plant a bushier appearance. When ‘Marble Queen’ and ‘Snow Queen’ pothos plants turn green, it’s mainly due to a lack of light. Because they must compensate for low light, leaves lose their variegation. Placing the marble ivy plant in bright, controlled light should usually enable the variegation to come back.

Trimming and Pruning

It all depends on how much time you want to spend away from work. Pruning this plant, in any case, will only help it. If your plant has lost a lot of leaves and you wish to rejuvenate it, you might be fine with just a light pruning.

The marble pothos is a subtropical perennial plant that grows quickly indoors and reacts well to pruning. In the early spring, pruning lengthy stems promotes bushy growth and prevents legginess. You can, however, prune dead, discolored, or damaged leaves at any time of year. Plucking new shoots also aids in the development of a bigger plant.

Pot And Repotting

Pothos can be grown in almost any container as long as it has at least one drainage hole at the bottom. This hole allows excess moisture to flow freely, preventing waterlogging of the soil. Pothos thrives in soil that stays consistently moist and does not dry up rapidly. Because pothos plants develop quickly, it’s critical to report them frequently to give their roots more room to expand.

Repotting is also a viable option for treating pothos health issues. Pothos, which grows quickly, should be repotted every year to give the roots more room for growth and prevent illness. Without a potting medium, the plant may get root-wrapped, which implies the roots will wrap themselves around the pot’s interior, becoming increasingly knotted and compressed since they have no room to spread out!


The root terminals on the stem, just below the leaf or branch junctures, are where pothos proliferation begins. The secret to propagating pothos is to find these little bumps on the stems of rooted pothos. Give your plant a haircut if it becomes lanky as it ages or if it becomes too long when it is full and healthy.

Divide And Transplant

Break or tear the pothos stems into many portions of the necessary sizes, ensuring that the root in each new page is roughly directly proportional to the amount of stem attached. You may need to use a sharp, sterilized knife to help split the pothos into portions, particularly root-bound plants.

Pests And Diseases

Thrips and Mealybugs are the most common pests you’ll find on your Marble Queen. Removing them from your plants can be simple if you detect them early. To remove them, wipe them with denatured alcohol on a cotton ball or mix your DIY solution with dish soap.

Plant Species

There are numerous species. Potho species include:
● Golden Pothos
● Neon Pothos
● Jessenia Pothos
Manjula Pothos
● Pearls and Jade Pothos

These are just some of them.


The golden pothos has five partner plants, which are listed below in a bulleted list.

1. Spider plant

The spider plant, sometimes known as the Airplane plant, grows wild in the tropics. It’s a simple houseplant that develops in the shape of a spider web, with plantlets that drop down from the main stem like strands of a web.

2. Snake Plant

Like the Marble Queen Pothos and other reduced maintenance plants, the Snake Plant is an excellent choice for the lazy. They can resist a wide range of light conditions and have even managed to survive in complete darkness. The Snake Plant, a drought-resistant species, is an excellent companion to the Golden Pothos.

3. Butterfly Palm

The Butterfly Palm is a plant that is both easy to grow and attractive to the eye. The Butterfly Palm is a good choice since it has foliage that fans out gently like a palm tree. It outperforms most of its ‘peers’ when it comes to air purification. These plants can grow to be quite tall, reaching a mature height of 6 to 8 feet.

4. Jade Plant

The jade plant, named after the stone known for its iridescent green, is a stunning color. The leaves are succulent and lustrous, and they grow on opposing sides of the stems, trailing down. The Jade Plant, which belongs to the succulents/cacti family, is adapted to growing in hot climates and is drought-resistant. Watering is necessary, however, regularly.

5. Asparagus Fern

The Asparagus Fern is the ideal counterpoint to the Marble Queen Pothos. The latter is tropical with richly textured dark green foliage.

On the other hand, the former is a fern. It’s a light green with delicate fronds that contrasts with the other’s jade shadows. The offshoots are short and sprout from the primary stem-like tails. The leaves have a delicate texture. The asparagus fern is a drought-resistant houseplant that is easy to maintain.


If ingested, it may cause a harmful reaction in people and pets.

Is the plant toxic?

The devil’s ivy (pothos) plant contains toxic chemicals that could injure domestic pets, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

Is it toxic for cats or dogs?

Animals such as dogs and cats are poisoned by the ‘Marble Queen’ and ‘Silver Queen’ plants. Because the Marble Queen Pothos plant contains dangerous compounds that could damage cats and dogs, you must keep it away from your pets.

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