N’Joy Pothos Care Guide

NJoy Pothos Care Guide

Pothos is an excellent forgiving plant that can grow in areas with indirect light or in dry conditions. It is one of the few houseplants that can handle almost any kind of environment. Heart-shaped leaves characterize N’Joy Pothos with yellowish veins, white or green flowers, and a vining growth pattern.

Philodendron N’Joy Pothos Care Guide Overview


  • Scientific name: Epipremnum Aureum, and member of the Araceae family.
  • Common names: Golden pothos or hunter’s robe –
  • Origin: Southeast Asia wet forests and parts of Australia
  • Indoor or Outdoor plant:You can grow it indoors or outdoors in the garden as it is an easily adaptable plant.
  • Height and Structure: 6-9 inches, but can reach heights of 10 feet if given support to the trail. Give it something to climb on if you’re aiming for maximum height. Pothos has a cane or vine-like structure with glossy green leaves bearing yellow and white variegated markings. Pothos has heart-shaped leaves.
  • Temperature: 65-90 degrees
  • Flower Color: Its flowers are green, or white.

How to Plant the N’Joy Pothos

There are some things to keep in mind when growing pothos in your home or garden.

How to Grow the N’Joy Pothos Indoors

Pothos is a durable plant, but you should still know a few things when growing pothos indoors. Here are some quick tips to keep in mind when growing pothos indoors:

Pothos likes temperatures between 65-90 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are keeping your pothos is an area that is colder or hotter, make sure to provide it with protection from the elements.

Pothos does not require direct sunlight. However, if you choose to place your plant near a window, make sure the sun is not too bright – especially during the summer. If the sunlight is too bright, your plant will begin to droop and turn a pale-green color.

The plant should be kept evenly moist at all times. Do not allow the soil to dry out completely between each watering session. However, try to avoid overwatering as pothos does not react well to over-watered roots.

How to Grow N’Joy Pothos Outdoors

Pothos is a very adaptable plant and can even grow outdoors in almost any environment. However, there are still a few things you should know before planting pothos outside:

If grown outside, pothos prefers indirect sunlight. However, it will also thrive in areas with partial sunlight.

Pothos can handle a variety of soil conditions as well as moisture levels. When planting pothos outdoors, the soil should be kept evenly moist but not wet. This plant does very well when planted near natural bodies of water such as rivers and ponds.

If kept outside, pothos should be brought inside before the first frost as it can kill your plant.

Planting Time

You can plant your pothos at any time. However, if you want it to become established quickly, plant it in spring or summer when the weather is warm and with plenty of sunlight. The best time to plant your pothos is in spring or fall when the days are longer, and the temperatures are warmer. Some varieties respond best to these conditions. The soil is moist and warm in the spring, so the plants will grow and develop quickly. Soil is cool and dry in the fall, so the plants will take longer to develop.


Pothos can be grown in a container, a hanging basket, a standard pot, or other planters. Because pothos vines are so long and trailing, they look best when grown in hanging baskets or other containers that have space to facilitate their growth. Pothos should be planted 18 inches apart from each other when grown in a container.


The most common problem with pothos is inadequate light. Pothos are very sensitive to direct sun, especially when young. They get crispy brown leaf edges and may even get sunburned or blistered in full or partial sunlight for too long during the day.

If they get enough light, they will be very green and lush. If the plants do not get enough light, they will become pale and scraggly looking. The amount of sunlight your plant gets makes all the difference in how it looks, so place these plants carefully. You can find a shady spot for plants that are not getting enough light.

You may want to circumvent this by planting pothos in hanging baskets or placing them in an area where they can receive partial sunlight through a window.


Pothos can grow in almost any type of soil, but it prefers loamy soil with an acidity level between 6.0 and 6.5. If your plant’s leaves begin to turn yellow or start dropping off, this is likely caused by one of two things: 1) you are watering too often, or 2) the soil’s acidity level is not high enough.

Growth habits

Pothos is a climbing vine in the philodendron family. Pothos vines will quickly climb structures by use of their aerial roots to grasp hold of surfaces. If allowed to climb onto anything, the plant will eventually completely cover the object it’s growing on or even the surrounding structures. Pothos vines rapidly grow and can reach 15-20 feet lengths if given the support to climb. To control this growth, pinch or cut back any vines growing outside of your desired area.


Pothos are generally low mounding and will occasionally need to be staked. If you buy one with thin stems, it won’t need any support. But if the branches are thicker, you should also get a narrow trellis for it to climb on/wrap around.

Too little light weakens stems and grows smaller leaves. Plants that are too tall may topple over, and you need to tie the stem to support. You can also cut back long vines or even root them in water until you decide where to place them permanently, after which the vine will re-grow new leaves quickly.


Pothos plants need enough water to survive, but not so much that their roots are constantly wet. If your plant is in a container, check the soil daily to see if it needs water. If the earth looks dry, add water until it is moist but not soggy or soaking.

Watering frequency depends on several factors, such as drying of topsoil and humidity. You should not only water pothos plants when the soil is dry but maintain watering once a week. You might need to water twice a week during the summer.

If you are unsure whether to water your pothos, check the soil with your finger. If it’s moist at a depth of one inch below the surface, there is no need to water yet. You should note that overwatering your pothos can lead to root rot and fungal diseases that damage the plant.


Houseplants, in general, have a nitrogen deficiency, so feed them every month or two with a houseplant food or an all-purpose liquid fertilizer. You can dilute the fertilizer according to the label instructions and pour it into the soil at the base of your pothos.

Pothos plants do not need to be fertilized very often because they have no special fertilizer requirements. However, you can fertilize your plant once every three months with a balanced fertilizer such as 20-20-20 or 14-14-14.


Pothos can handle humidity levels down to 40% in homes. If you are having problems with low humidity, consider running a humidifier near your plants.


Pothos plants grow best in soil with a neutral pH and good drainage. To keep your pothos healthy, plant in compost-enriched soil or potting mix that will allow the roots to spread through the soil and expand to the desired size without becoming root-bound. If you keep your pothos plant in a container, be sure not to let it get too dry, and water only when needed.

Cover the pothos plants with mulch to maintain the moisture in the soil. Once planted, apply a 1-inch layer of mulch around the plant and water it well.

Use natural, unprocessed mulch that will not contain any oils or chemicals. You can purchase pine bark at your local garden center, but do not use dyed mulches, as they may cause the leaves to change color.

Trimming and Pruning

Pinch off any dead or dying vines to encourage new growth. You can prune pothos at any time, but it’s best to prune when the plant is actively growing during the spring and summer months. New stems can be pinched off if your plant has become leggy or if you need to control its size. New plants can also be grown from cuttings by taking 3-inch segments of stem and rooting them in water or moist soil until the roots sprouts.

However, sometimes it is not necessary to prune your pothos plant, but you can only cut a few inches off the tips of each stem if you desire. Pruning will encourage new growth and keep your pothos plant looking healthy and whole.

Pot and Repotting

When caring for pothos plants that are kept in pots, there are a few things you should know:
If possible, you can repot your pothos plant every spring. Make sure to use a pot with good drainage and choose one that is no larger than one or two sizes bigger than the previous pot.

Pothos plants usually require repotting every six months. However, this will depend on the size and type of pot you use for your plant.

You can fertilize your pothos plant once every three months with a food that has one-third nitrogen, one-third phosphorous, and one-third potassium.


New plants can be grown from cuttings. Make sure to take cuttings that are at least three inches long and remove all flowers or buds. You can then place your cuttings in a mixture of peat moss and sand. Keep the soil moist at all times but never saturated until new leaves begin to grow from the bottom of each cutting.

New plants can also be grown by placing pothos shoots in water until they develop roots and then transplanting them into a peat moss and sand mixture.

Divide and Transplant

Njoy Pothos plant is one of the easiest to grow from cuttings. It requires minimal effort on your part for it to successfully root and thrive.

Pothos is an epiphytic or air plant, so propagations are relatively straightforward. When the vines reach 5-6 inches in length, they can be cut into 8-inch pieces with a sharp knife. This cutting should include at least one node to ensure that the cut piece will root. Place this cutting into potting soil and put it in a warm area to get lots of light. Be sure that the earth is moist but not saturated.

This cutting may take some time to root; however, you can help by rooting the cutting in water for two weeks before planting.

Pests and Diseases

Pothos plants are rarely affected by insect infestations or disease problems. However, they can become infested with mealybugs, aphids, spider mites, and thrips. If your pothos plant becomes infested with any of the above insects, wipe the plant’s leaves with a damp cloth to remove any existing infestations. You can treat your pothos with insecticidal soap if these pests are a problem. If the infestation is out of control, you can use neem oil to clear them.

Pothos plants are susceptible to several fungal diseases that thrive in dark, moist conditions. If the leaves on your pothos plant become diseased or brown and mushy, immediately bring the entire plant to a sunny location with good ventilation to dry out the soil.

Root rot and leaf spot are two common afflictions that affect pothos plants, especially if they do not receive enough sunlight or are overwatered. Treat both diseases by cutting off the affected parts of the plant and ensuring that your pothos is given enough water to drain correctly, allowing the soil to dry out between watering.

Plant Species

Noteworthy species

  • Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
  • Origin: Tropical regions of the Pacific Islands, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Japan
  • Common Names: Golden pothos, Devil’s Ivy, Silver Vine, Money Plant
  • Life Cycle: Perennial


Pothos is a good companion for begonia, coleus, or any form of ivy.

What are good neighbors?

Good neighbors of pothos include begonia, African violet, and snapdragon.


Is the plant toxic?

Yes, the leaves of the pothos plant contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can irritate skin and mucous membranes if handled directly. Ingestion has been known to cause stomach discomfort.

Keep them away from children and pets that may play with or eat your plants. Also, note that keeping pothos in a room where children spend a lot of time can be dangerous. You should wear gloves when cutting stems or leaves.

Is it toxic for cats or dogs?

Yes, it is toxic to dogs and cats and, if ingested, can cause vomiting and skin irritation.

Final Thoughts

Pothos plants are popular not only for their ease of care but also because they can tolerate a wide range of indoor conditions and have beautiful variegated leaves.

Pothos plants can remove some toxins from the air, including benzene and formaldehyde. They prefer bright but indirect light and moist soil that is allowed to dry between watering sessions.

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