Peperomia Rosso Care Guide

Peperomia Rosso Care Guide

Peperomia Rosso is the perfect plant for beginner gardeners or people whose green thumb isn’t that green. Why? Well, this plant is low maintenance. It requires indirect sunlight, and you should only water the soil when it is dry. With its beautiful green and red leaves, this plant would be an eye-catching addition to any home or garden.

Peperomia Rosso Care Guide Overview


  • Scientific name: Peperomia caperata, Peperomia Eden Rosso
  • Common names: Peperomia Rosso, Emerald Ripple Pepper or Radiator Plant
  • Genus: Peperomia, Piperaceae
  • Origin: Central America, Brazil, South America
  • Indoor or Outdoor plant: Can be potted into pots and placed inside or outside.
  • Height and Structure: This plant doesn’t like to grow tall as much as it likes to spread out. It can reach up to 10 inches tall and spread out at least 10 feet around the stem.
  • Temperature: 60 to 78 degrees farinheight
  • Foliage: Multi-colored leaves. Top side of leaves are green, underside is red
  • Flower Color: Beige

How To Plant a Peperomia Rosso

Peperomia Rosso is great as both houseplants or decorations for a garden. With its beautiful two-toned leaves, this plant adds beauty to any environment. It needs minimal care and can flourish just about anywhere in the world. Because it is low maintenance, the Peperomia Rosso is one of the more popular succulents used to decorate homes, offices, and gardens.

Planting Time

The ideal time to plant or propagate a Peperomia Rosso is in the middle of spring. Although, you can plant it any time you want, especially if you plan on keeping it as an indoor plant. The Peperomia Rosso prefers temperatures between 60 to 78 degrees, so the best time to plant would be around mid-spring.


When planting a Peperomia Rosso, spacing isn’t really an issue. These plants do better in pots, and while they don’t grow tall, they like to spread out. Because of this, it is probably better to put one plant per pot. This would ensure that each plant had enough space to grow and spread out.


While you can use this plant to decorate your garden, you have to be mindful of the amount of sunlight it will get. This radiator plant thrives in bright indirect light. If you want to grow the plant inside and don’t have access to over one window, fluorescent light bulbs can help.

What the Peperomia Rosso needs is balance. It can’t thrive in too much or too little sun. If it gets too much sun, the leaves may burn, and the colors can fade. If it gets too little, its growth will be stunted. The best place to put your Peperomia Rosso is in a place where it will get early morning sun or late afternoon sun.


While this plant may look like a succulent, it really isn’t. It has succulent tendencies like its thick leaves, but it is not really a succulent. Peperomia Rosso has small roots and loves loose airy soil. The soil should be well-draining because this plant doesn’t enjoy sitting in water. If you don’t want to make your own soil mix, an orchid or succulent mix would work well. But if you would like to make your own mix, use a 1:1 ratio of soil and peat moss. Perlite will work well too.

How To Grow a Peperomia Rosso

Growth habits

The Peperomia Rosso would much rather be wide than tall. They usually only hit about 10 inches tall but can get up to 10 feet wide. Instead of growing up, it likes to grow out from the stem. While it produces flowers, the beautiful red and green leaves are what make this plant so eye-catching.


You don’t have to stake Peperomia Rosso if you don’t want to. While unnecessary, if you want your plant to get a little taller, you can try staking them. Again, these plants like to spread out more than grow tall, so it is unnecessary.
If you find that your plant is drooping or dropping leaves, then you may be underwatering it. They don’t like to sit in water, but you can’t let the soil completely dry out either.


Growing a Peperomia Rosso is all about balance. Peperomia Rosso has small roots that are very sensitive. The plant can’t dry out completely, but you can’t overwater it either. Because the roots are sensitive, the plant doesn’t like to sit in water. Overwatering can lead to root rot, especially during the winter.

To ensure that the plant isn’t constantly sitting in water, stick your finger into the soil. It should be mostly dry. Only then should you water it. When you do water it, make sure to only water the soil. Drench the soil to make sure that the water gets to the roots. When watering, avoid the foliage and the crown of the plant. Constant water on the crown can lead to rot.

Water the Peperomia Rosso about once every ten days.


The best time to fertilize the Peperomia is around mid-spring, and you should only do it once a year. Before you fertilize, you need to flush the soil because fertilizer can cause salt deposits in the soil. This can be done by running water through the soil. Try to avoid the foliage the best you can. Flushing the soil before adding more fertilizer will help your plant flourish.

The best type of fertilizer to use is one that is 20-20-20-NPK. This will ensure that the essential nutrients nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are balanced. These are the nutrients that your plant needs to thrive. You can also use banana peels to make sure that your plant gets enough potassium.


You would think because Peperomia Rosso is a tropical plant that it would love places with high humidity. Well, you would be right. If this environment is possible in your home or outside, then the plant will do well. But this type of plant will also thrive in the humidity of the average home.


Mulching is unnecessary, but you can mix some mulch into the soil to keep it moist longer. This way, it won’t dry out as fast, so you won’t need to water it as often.

Trimming and Pruning

Don’t be afraid to trim and prune the plant. The best time to prune is around spring. Pruning helps control the size and shape. If you want your Peperomia Rosso to have a bushier appearance, then you should prune it more. Cutting the flowers off can give way to more foliage. Don’t worry if you feel like you’ve cut off too much. It will grow back fast.

Pot and Repotting

The best time to plant or repot the Peperomia Rosso is during the spring. When it comes to potting the plant, make sure that you get a pot with plenty of drainage holes so the soil can drain properly. This plant doesn’t need deep soil, as the roots need to be able to get air.

Only repot when it has outgrown the current one. That being said, change out the soil every 2 to 3 years. If the plant has outgrown its current pot, you should repot it in a new pot just big enough to hold the roots. Peperomia Rosso’s like to be a little potbound. You can tell that your plant needs to be repotted when the soil becomes loose or you start to see the roots.


Propagation can be done with seeds or stem and leaf cuttings. While you can do it both ways, using leaves and stem cuttings is an easier and faster way.

To use stem and leaf cuttings, make sure you have a pot with a light, moist, airy soil mixture. You should also have some growth hormone available.

To make your cuttings, make sure that you are using a clean blade and cut a stem that is at least 5 to 7 inches long. Remove some of the leave from the bottom of the stem, then stick it into the loose soil.

If you want to just use the leaves, you can pinch them off of the stem and then dip them in a growth hormone before sticking it into the soil.

Place the pot in a warm place that gets indirect sunlight and keep the soil lightly moist. You should see some growth in about a month.

Pests And Diseases

If you take good care of this plant, you shouldn’t have to worry about pests and diseases. Taking good care of it means not overwatering, no extreme temperatures, and the right amount of light. If these conditions aren’t met, then your plant may face the following problems:


The Peperomia Rosso is vulnerable to spider mites, whiteflies, fungus gnats, and mealybugs.

  • Fungus gnats are small flies that can infest the soil usually if the plant is being overwatered.
  • Whiteflies can damage plant leaves, causing them to turn yellow or to drop.
  • Mealybugs like to chew on the new growth that develops on succulents. This usually happens when a plant is being overwatered.


It is vulnerable to cucumber mosaic virus and crown rot. The cucumber mosaic virus will not harm the plant per se, but it can distort the leaves. Crown rot can happen when water is constantly being poured onto the crown of the plant.

Plant Species

Another popular Peperomia is the Peperomia Piccolo Banda, also known as peacock. Much like the Peperomia Rosso, this plant is also low maintenance and needs indirect sunlight. It has thick, fleshy leaves and stems, and when it blooms, there are green flowers. It likes to spread out like the Peperomia Rosso, and while it does have flowers, the leaves are the most eye-catching part of the plant.


While it is not a true succulent, succulents are the perfect neighbors for a Peperomia Rosso. They need about the same amount of sun and water. Plants like Euphorbia, Echeveria, Graptopetalum Hybrids, and Kalanchoe.


This plant is not toxic to humans or animals. In fact, the whole Peperomia family is considered non-toxic. That being said, if your cat or dog eats a large quantity, it can still make them sick.

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