Philodendron Moonlight Care Guide

Philodendron Moonlight Care Guide

What makes this plant special? Philodendron Moonlight, also known as Philodendron Orostachys, is a unique plant that belongs to the Araceae family. They grow in an organized manner, creating rosette-shaped structures. In this article, you’ll find helpful information about Philodendron Moonlight. However, people mainly grow this plant indoors for its low light needs and ease of growth.

Philodendron Moonlight Guide Overview


  • Philodendron Moonlight Scientific name; is ‘Philodendron hederaceum.’
  • Origin; Costa Rica and Panama
  • Indoor or outdoor; indoor houseplant
  • Height and Structure; 6 feet (2 meters) wide, trailing vine that climbs vertically
  • Temperature; a minimum of 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12.7 degrees Celsius) during the night and 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit (21.1-23.9 degrees Celsius) during the day and a maximum of 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit (26.7-29.4 degrees Celsius) during the day
  • Flower color; white with slight dark purple spots

How To Plant the Philodendron Moonlight

Philodendron Moonlight is an easy plant to grow indoors. It is a vine, so it will need something to grow on. A trellis, clothes hanger, or some sturdy structure for the philodendron to climb on would be ideal. You can use a fishing line or cloth strips to tie it on with. However, you can also let it trail on the ground. Whichever way you grow it, make sure that the pot is at least 3 inches wider than your plant’s rootball to allow for growth.

Planting Time

Moonlight philodendrons are very hardy and can survive being planted anytime throughout the year. However, one of the best times to grow this tropical vine is at the beginning of summer (June-July), as this is when it flowers and brings in some welcome color to your home during those months.


Mature vines can get quite large, so spacing is essential for this plant. If you are growing the Philodendron Moonlight as a ground cover or border plant, they should be planted approximately 2 feet apart from each other to allow for growth. If you are growing it up a trellis, allow about 6 feet of space between each plant.

Philodendron Moonlight Light Requirements

Philodendron Moonlight requires low light. A half sunny, half shady spot is ideal. If you are growing it indoors, the location of your plant will depend on the type of lighting you have in your home.

Hanging plants usually require brighter light than those on the ground. An east-facing window would be perfect for this tropical vine, as it is bright and gets lots of morning sun (the best type of light).


The soil should be well-draining. A good mix to use would be 50% potting mix made from fir bark or coconut coir and 50% organic compost. Fertilize your philodendron during the growing season with a diluted liquid fertilizer once every two weeks. Be careful not to overfeed this plant as it will harm your plant’s growth.

How To Grow the Philodendron Moonlight

Growth habits

In the wild, Philodendrons grow as vines climbing up trees. However, if you plant it against a wall or fence and allow it to trail/climb down, it will eventually search for something to twine around. To avoid this, be sure to give it something strong enough to climb on. If left alone long enough, the vine will form roots at each leaf node to anchor your plant firmly into place.


Staking is recommended if you are growing your Philodendron Moonlight plant up a trellis. As the plant grows, its weight will make it sag down towards the ground. For this reason, stakes are necessary to keep it upright throughout its growth.

If an east or west-facing window is available for your philodendron, staking may not be required because the light coming in through these windows is low enough that your vine won’t grow too much and weigh down towards the floor.

Pruning, however, should only be done when necessary (when it starts climbing on inappropriate surfaces). You can prune out large vine sections at once to control its growth or selectively take off tip cuttings during propagation.


Water your philodendron whenever the top of the soil feels dry. In low light conditions, it may only require watering once a week to every ten days. However, you can water it up to twice a week in brighter light conditions or when grown indoors.

Watering once a week is recommended unless your plant looks droopy and wilted (in which case you should water immediately).

Keep an eye on this plant’s growth rate when deciding when to water because if its roots are not allowed to dry out between waterings, root rot could set in and kill your plant very quickly.


Watering your philodendron with a mild 20-20-20 fertilizer can help promote new growth and flowering. However, excessive fertilizing may reduce the number of leaves you see on your plant or even kill it.

Only use diluted amounts (1 tsp per 3 gallons of water) if you decide to fertilize; this will ensure that your plant remains healthy instead of dying from nutrient toxicity.


Philodendrons are tropical plants native to the rain forest, so they require humidity to be healthy. This means that room temperature water should be used when watering your plant. Using cold water will cause leaf burn, which will turn the tips brown and die back.

If you have central heating, placing a humidifier near your plant may help raise the humidity around it if the air is too dry for it indoors.


Mulching is not necessary for this plant unless you plan on growing it indoors. Mulching around your philodendron will help retain moisture in the soil, which means less frequent watering. It also helps keep the roots warm by keeping warmth from entering through the top of the soil, which can inhibit new growth.

This species is susceptible to low temperatures, so mulching will play an essential role if you decide to grow it outdoors during colder seasons.

Trimming and Pruning

hilodendron Moonlight plants only require minimal pruning to control size. When your vines become too long, cut them back and replant the tip cutting. This section of the vine can grow roots in a few weeks if it is kept moist and given enough light. In some cases, your new vine plant will be ready for re-potting in just a few months!

Pot And Repotting

This plant does well in loose, rich soil with a pH level of around 5.5. Use a premium potting mix for the best results. If you plan on growing your philodendron outdoors, choose a spot that gets at least half a day of direct sunlight and dig into the ground deep enough to cover its roots.

If you live in an area where the winters are frigid, be sure to bring it indoors before temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius because this plant is sensitive to cold weather.

philodendron moonlight propagation

Philodendron Moonlight Propagation

It’s effortless to propagate your philodendron plant. Purchase a healthy vine with leaves and cut off all but 6 inches near the tip of it. Let it sit in water for about two hours, then plant it directly into moist soil (this time covered deep enough to cover its roots). Keep the soil moist until you notice new growth sprouting up.

Divide And Transplant

When your philodendron starts to outgrow its current pot, you can uproot it and divide the roots into two separate plants. This may be necessary depending on how many vines you want in your growth area. When transplanting a division of this plant, keep at least two leaves per division. This helps the division create new roots faster and helps them establish a new home before dying off from lack of nutrients.

Pests And Diseases

Pests and diseases can severely damage your philodendron plant, so keeping them away from your houseplants is essential. Aphids, mites, and mealybugs attack this plant by sucking the sap from the leaves and stems. These pests can be removed by wiping them off with a damp cloth or spraying them with an insect repellent explicitly made for insects such as aphids and whiteflies.

A severe infestation of these pests may damage new growth areas of your plant’s vines so take care of the situation immediately if you notice any signs of infestation.

Plant Species

This plant is part of the Arum family which also includes Anthurium and Caladium. This means that babies are born at the leaf joints, which you can propagate by cutting them off and planting them directly into moist soil. They may take a little longer to grow than if they were cut off from the main vine, but it’s worth the wait.

Noteworthy species

The Philodendron genus is said to contain over 800 species and subspecies which come from various regions all over the world. Species such as the P. scandens, which grow as a vine with arrowhead-shaped leaves, originates from Belize and Central America. The P. domesticum, one of the most famous species in this genus, is said to have originated from Brazil. The P. bipinnatifidum also comes from various regions of South America, including the Amazon.


When choosing companions for your Philodendron Moonlight, consider plants with similar growing conditions. Succulent plants are great because they require minimal water and have thick leaves that prevent evaporation. Some common succulents that would go great in a hanging basket with this plant include Aeoniums, Jade Plants, and Aloe Vera.

What are good neighbors?

In addition to succulents, you can grow your philodendron with other common houseplants such as the Ficus Alii, Peace Lily, and Cast Iron Plant. These plants have a similar light requirement so that they can complement each other in a hanging basket.


Philodendrons contain calcium oxalate, a poison that irritates the skin and mucous membranes. They can also cause paralysis to an extent if ingested. This is why you should always wear gloves when handling this plant and wash your hands thoroughly afterward.

Is the plant toxic?

Philodendron Moonlight is not considered to be toxic. The poison in this plant can irritate if it comes into contact with your skin, so wear gloves before handling it. This is especially important for children.

Is it toxic for cats or dogs?

Philodendron Moonlight is not considered to be toxic for cats and dogs. This is because the poison in this plant can cause irritation if it comes into contact with your skin, so wear gloves before handling it.

This is especially important for children, and make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after working with the plant.

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