Philodendron Verrucosum Care Guide

Philodendron Verrucosum Care Guide

Philodendron verrucosum, also known as the Warty Philodendron or Upright Philodendron, is a perennial native of Central and South America. It typically grows to around 3 feet in height with deep green leaves that are smooth on top and warty underneath. They can be grown indoors or out but require plenty of indirect sunlight. Learn more about the care of this plant by reading our guide below!

Philodendron Verrucosum Care Guide Overview


  • Scientific name and common names: Philodendron Verrucosum
  • Origin: Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina; large trees in the wild but most commonly seen as houseplants.
  • Indoor or Outdoor plant: Indoor plant.
  • Height and Structure : It can grow up to 20 feet tall when it is outdoors if left unpruned!
  • Temperature: Philodendron Verrucosum prefers temperatures that are around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

How To Plant the Philodendron Verrucosum

Planting time

The best time to plant your Philodendron Verrucosum is in spring or summer when temperatures are between 60 and 70 degrees. It would be best if you didn’t grow this time of year when temperatures are below or above these ranges, as your Philodendron Verrucosum will likely die.


It would help if you planted your Philodendron Verrucosum plants about 18 to 24 inches apart. For best results, plant them in a container or garden that is at least 18 inches deep. Planting them in a container that is too shallow or growing them too close together will result in unhealthy plants.


Your Philodendron Verrucosum plant will do best with at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. For the most part, it is safe to keep them outdoors year-round as long as you provide plenty of indirect light and protection from frost or freezing temperatures.

If your plants are indoors, then they should be on a sunny windowsill where they receive lots of natural light during the daytime. Ensure that there aren’t any blinds or curtains blocking their access to light, and make sure not to place them too close to heaters or other sources that can cause damage due to excess heat.


Philodendron verrucosum plants like rich, organic soil. A good mixture to use is one part peat moss and two parts potting soil mixed with some perlite (optional). You can buy a pre-made all-purpose plant mix, or you can make your own by mixing these components in the correct ratios yourself. Ensure that there are no big clumps of dirt when planting, and try not to compact the soil down too much around your plants as this will prevent them from receiving necessary oxygen from the air.

How To Grow the Philodendron Verrucosum

Growth habits

Philodendron verrucosum plants will grow best when they are slightly pot-bound. You can tell that your plant is ready for a larger container if its roots begin to peek out the drainage holes at the bottom of their current one. When this happens, transplant it into a container two sizes bigger and be sure not to overwater them while adjusting to using new soil and root space! If you want more than one Philodendron Verrucosum in your indoor or outdoor garden, then we recommend leaving about 18 inches between each plant so that there’s plenty of room for growth.


Your Philodendron Verrucosum plant will likely need some staking to help it grow upright and prevent damage due to its weight. You can use stakes, cages, or other materials typically used to support large plants. Be sure not to place objects too close together around your plants, as this could cause them to harm once they begin growing!


It would help if you didn’t overwater your Philodendron Verrucosum plants. Watering once every two to three weeks in the summer and only when their soil feels dry will keep them healthy during warmer months. You can tell if it needs water by sticking your finger into the top inch of its soil; if it’s still moist down there, then don’t add more!

If you are using a pre-made potting mix, be sure to avoid adding any fertilizer or nutrients as this can cause root burn, which could kill your plant over time – fertilizing should only be done with organic methods such as compost tea which provides food slowly over time rather than in one large dose.


When fertilizing your Philodendron Verrucosum plants, only do so with organic methods such as compost tea or worm castings. You should try not to use any chemical fertilizer as this can kill the soil’s natural organisms necessary for plant health and growth.

The best time to fertilize is in the spring, when Philodendron Verrucosum plants are just beginning their growing season. Avoid providing them with any food during the winter months, as this will cause root burn and kill your plant over time!


Philodendron verrucosum plants like humidity and will thrive when they are in a humid environment such as an outdoor garden or greenhouse. If you keep them indoors, then be sure to mist their leaves occasionally with distilled water so that they can absorb some of this moisture through their stomata (tiny pores found on the undersides of their leaves).

Avoid placing your plant near any heating source that could dry out its foliage, and avoid keeping it too close to air conditioning vents since these produce deficient humidity levels! It is also important not to let Philodendron Verrucosum sit directly in front of fans or open windows during winter months because drafts could cause damage due to rapid temperature changes.

Philodendron verrucosum plants need humidity to produce the food they get from photosynthesis. Suppose your plant is kept in an indoor environment with deficient levels of moisture. In that case, it might be helpful for you to purchase a humidifier and place it near its pot so that water can evaporate into the air, which will help raise these levels.


It’s essential that you mulch your Philodendron Verrucosum plants if they are grown in an outdoor environment. Mulching is the act of adding a layer of soil or compost around the base of its stem, but be sure to avoid covering it with dirt up to where its leaves start! This will help prevent any fungal growth on its branches which could potentially kill it over time.

Trimming and pruning

Trimming your Philodendron Verrucosum plant should only be done when needed. If you keep them in a humid location, then they won’t need any trimming since their foliage will stay healthy and lush without it! However, if your plant is kept indoors or doesn’t receive enough humidity from the environment around it, which causes its leaves to turn yellow and brown at the tips, then try clipping these with sharp scissors so that new growth can begin again.

You won’t need to do much pruning for your Philodendron Verrucosum plant as long as you don’t let it grow too tall and wide since this can cause damage due to its heavy foliage weight. If your plant begins to form long, leggy stems, then it might be helpful for you to cut these back at their base with a sharp pair of pruning shears. Be sure not to remove more than one-third of its foliage or stem length because this could permanently damage your plant!

Pruning should only need to take place once every year if you are growing Philodendron Verrucosum in an outdoor environment and they don’t become too tall. If they do grow too tall, then it’s best that you keep them indoors since moving them during the winter months can cause severe stress due to the temperature change, which will kill your plants over time!

Pot and Repotting

Philodendron verrucosum plants like to be slightly pot-bound because this helps prevent them from becoming root-bound and stops their roots from growing into the soil around them. When you see your plant’s leaves drooping or its growth beginning to slow down, then it might be time for you to report, which means moving your plant while still in its original container and adding new soil around its base so that there is fresh dirt touching all of its roots. Be sure not to pack the new soil too tightly since this could smother your plants’ delicate feeder roots, which are responsible for absorbing most of the nutrients they receive!

Pest and Diseases

It’s essential to keep an eye on your Philodendron Verrucosum plant and check for any signs of pests or diseases since these can quickly kill it over time. If you notice small, brown spots appearing on its leaves, this could be a sign that some fungus is developing which will cause further damage as the days go by.

Be sure not to use chemical pesticides with harsh chemicals like neem oil because they can burn off all of your plants’ foliage along with the bugs! Instead, try using organic insecticides such as those containing pyrethrin so that both insects and fungi are killed without harming your plant itself. For any fungal disease that causes rot, you might want to try using beneficial mycorrhizal fungi, which can be sprinkled around the base of your plant’s stem and help control any harmful fungus growth.

Plant Species

The Philodendron Verrucosum is a species of plant part of the Araceae family and has large, heart-shaped leaves with wavy margins. Known for their stunning foliage, which comes in dark green colors, Philodendron Verrucosum plants can grow up to 20 feet tall when they are outdoors if left unpruned! However, most people prefer keeping them indoors where they can be shown off as houseplants instead since they require high humidity levels around their base.

Other members of the Araceae family include:


A genus of plants known for their brightly colored, heart-shaped leaves and stems come in reds, pinks, yellows, or white. Anthurium can also be found with spotted patterns along the edges of their foliage.


A genus of plants known as Spathy’s has long, narrow leaves with a glossy sheen. They can come in either solid green or variegated colors. This type is commonly found growing inside people’s homes since they only need low to medium lighting conditions.


A genus of plants known for its large, arrow-shaped leaves, which can come in green, white, or pink. Zantedeschia also has a flower spike along the center of their foliage which produces beautiful blooms. They are most commonly referred to as Calla Lilies.


Philodendron verrucosum plants should be kept near other species of Araceae family members since they all require similar care and will complement each other well! They can also be surrounded by colorful flowers such as Gerbera daisies or Alstroemeria, which add a pop of color to your home while filling it with their sweet, summery scent. To create the perfect indoor garden, try adding in some small palm trees along with Philodendron Verrucosum so that you have both large-leafed foliage and smaller potted palms for a mix of textures.


The Philodendron Verrucosum plant is considered non-toxic to pets and humans. If any part of the plant is ingested, it could cause minor discomfort but nothing more severe.

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