Alocasia Sarian Care Guide

Alocasia Sarian Care Guide

Alocasia Sarian is a tuberous plant from the Araceae family that looks incredibly decorative, with glossy dark-green leaves up to 40 cm long and about 20 cm wide. The petioles are ribbed, swollen at the base of the leaf blade, which is heart-shaped. Its flowers are white or greenish, with a yellow streak along the center of each petal.

Alocasia Sarian Care Guide Overview


  • Scientific name: Alocasia Sarina
  • Common name: Elephant Ear
  • Origin: Southern Asia rainforests
  • Indoor or Outdoor plant: indoor
  • Height and Structure: the plant can grow up to 10 feet outdoors and four indoors, and broad leaves
  • Temperature:55 -80 degrees
  • Flower Color: white with a yellow streak

How to Plant The Alocasia Sarian

Planting time

The ideal planting time for these plants is during the year’s warm months, preferably spring and summertime.


The plant’s size varies depending on where it is being grown. An indoor Alocasia can hit the 4 feet mark, while an outdoor one can reach twelve feet and six feet wide. The humongous nature of the plant calls for proper spacing. Do not overcrowd them in an area; instead, set them apart to give the plants room for growth.


Alocasia Sarian plants need varying amounts of sunlight depending on the variety. If they are grown indoors, it is best to rotate them so that all sides of their pot receive equal sunlight daily for optimal growth. Do not grow these plants near windowsills because too little direct sunshine can cause leaf burn spots and faded colors under constant exposure.


Alocasia Sarian prefers moist, well-drained soil. The plant typically does not do well in rocky or sandy soils, leading to root rot for new varieties planted into them; it is better to pot a mixture of topsoil and sand. A good rule would be equal parts sand (or pumice) and topsoil mixed at planting time–this will create rich loams that are perfect planting grounds.

How to Grow The Alocasia Sarian

Growth Habits

The plants experience a growth spurt during spring season. Alocasia plant, like other family members of the Araceae family, turns dormant during winter. Do not worry if you see less or no growth on your Alocasia when it’s cold outside- they’re just sleeping during winter. Keep them warm and moist to help their leaves stay green through these cold months; then come springtime (and brighter days), watch as those beautiful flowers begin blooming once more eagerly than before. The plants are fast growers, and they produce plenty of foliage during warm months.


Once they grow, some Alocasia plants start leaning out instead of growing upright. Although learning does not indicate lousy health, it makes the plant look wild. For an aesthetic look, use a stake to give excellent support to the plants. You can even create different shapes using wire or thick thread to tie the plant to the desired place. The stake should be held firmly in the soil for good support.


Water is the key to the successful gardening of this plant. Make sure you water your plant at least twice a week so that all of its roots can get enough water. Do not overwater because it will cause problems for both the plant and yourself in future years when trying to plant new seeds/plants from scratch. The soil should feel slightly damp (not soaking) before watering again- this allows nutrients like fertilizer residue on topsoil, which helps promote healthy growth.


The plant needs a slow-release fertilizer three times per year, and you can use water-based fertilizers to fertilize the heavy feeders. You can use organic fertilizers twice monthly to ensure the young plants do not suffer from a deficiency in the growing season.


The Alocasia Sarian is a plant that loves the right amount of humidity. If you live in an area with less than optimal conditions, installing an indoor humidifier to the right the humidity levels and misting will also do wonders by providing good moisture near its roots. You can use what’s called “the pebble tray method” as well – pop your pot into one of these trays filled with stones or something similar, so they start absorbing water from around themselves from all angles.


The reason for mulching is simple. Every leaf contains tiny pores called Stomata which are used to exchange gases with the atmosphere. The more there are, the greater the plant’s ability to get more CO 2, which, in turn, determines how fast the plant grows. A mulch assists in maintaining optimum moisture levels of soil and humidity of the air around it. If you leave debris under your Alocasia, it creates conditions of high humidity, which can stunt the growth of your plants. The carbon in mulch is released slowly, steadily, and evenly into the soil system.

Trimming and Pruning

Pruning is an excellent way of keeping your plants healthy and growing. When you prune, always use clean scissors or shears to prevent bacterial diseases from cutting through yellowed tissue, which may cause further damage like plant infections. Remember that too-much damage can shock the plants leading to weakened growth and decline in health. for proper pruning, ensure that you align the branches correctly.

Pot and Repotting

when potting, ensure that the pot has suitable drainage holes to prevent water clogging, leading to root rot.

Repotting of Alocasia Sarian is done periodically. The weight of the pot is compensated with small-sized clay pots, which are put on each side of the grown-up plant until it grows to its full potential. By doing this every two or three years, Alocasia Sarian can be grown in large containers for a lifetime.


Using basal offset division can increase the number of plants grown from one seed by as many as six. Detach any suckers that extend more than 25 centimeters tall and use them instead for propagation.

Basal Offset Division: Your plant produces several basal offsets (suckers), which are easier to separate once they have a sound root system; if possible, water 24 hours before propagation to eliminate the risk of plant shock. When ready, place your fingers close to the nodal junction- remove extra soil to create access space. Choose an offset and push it downwards using your finger until it snaps.

Divide and Transplant

The roots of this plant can be divided easily. To do so, first, take out the mother root from its soil using a shovel and then divide them both into two equal parts with one in each hand (or however many pieces you think necessary). Now put these smaller rhizomes back onto their original place on topsoil where they were initially found and make sure that they stand upright without falling over at any time.

Repotting a plant from the greenhouse is not an easy task. If you are repotting your new acquisition, make sure to keep it in low sun exposure and cover it with green sheets or something similar for at least one week after transplanting until it’s used to the new environment indoors. Do not disturb the Sarian plants; frequently wait at least 12 months before repeating the process.

Pests and Diseases

Alocasia Sarian is commonly affected by pests and diseases, especially when not observing the correct cultural practices. The plant can be attacked by mealybugs, fungus, leaf miners, mites, thrips, and aphids.

Mealybugs usually attack the plant during its growing stage. They are tiny, but they feed on the sap of the plant. They probably occur when there is an increase in humidity and temperature. Mealybugs are usually white, brownish, or gray. They look like small patches of cotton on the underside of leaves or stems.

The fungus affects alocasia sarin during or after the growing season when temperatures are low and high humidity. It usually attacks wounds on the leaves, stems, and roots of this plant. The best method to control the fungus is by pruning off all diseased parts then spraying with a fungicide like benlate.

Leaf miners are very tiny white worms that feed in between the leaf surface. It causes the upper side of the leaf to look green and healthy while its lower part has brownish mines. The leaf becomes very weak, and it deteriorates, resulting in early death. The best way to control them is by removing affected leaves and sprays with dimethoate insecticide.

Mites are very tiny insects that leave delicate webs on the undersides of leaves. If this web becomes thick, it can affect plant growth and eventually kill it. Mite damage usually occurs when there is an increase in humidity levels beneath the pot or tray. The best way to destroy them is by removing affected leaves then spray with malathion insecticide.

Plant Species

Alocasia Amazonia

Also known as poly, this species is the most popular. It has arrow-shaped leaves that are dark green. The thin leaves feature thick white veins and have undulating waxy edges.

Alocasia Micholitziana

Also known as frydek, this species features prominent white veins in its leaves. The leaves are dark green with a velvety touch.


Epipremnum aureum (golden photos) can thrive alongside Alocasia. Pothos is a fast-growing vine native to the islands of Polynesia, New Guinea, and Queensland. It is trendy among indoor plants enthusiasts for being able to thrive in low light.

Pothos can be kept at home with Alocasia Sarian because it possesses characteristics that thrive alongside other foliage houseplants like the Alocasia. Both plants can grow under low light conditions, making them great space-saving options for indoor gardeners who have very little exposure to sunlight at home. Pothos is not only a good houseplant; it can also be used as an outdoor plant, particularly in shady gardens or on balconies where there is no direct exposure to sunlight.


Toxicity is one of the main risks associated with these plants. They pose a severe threat to humans and animals alike, so you must keep your pets away from them. Cats and dogs can become sickly if they ingest the plant. Toxins in the plant matter can lead to ulcers on any part of your body, including gums/teeth, where bacteria may feed off this organic material while also swelling up mouthparts like lips, tongue cheeks, and the throat. Try to keep pets and children away from this plant.

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