Pearls and Jade Pothos Care Guide

Pearls and Jade Pothos Care Guide

Jade Pothos plants, scientifically called Scindapsus aureus. This beautiful plant is one of the most commonly grown house plants for its shiny, lush green leaves and easy care. It is a member of the Araceae family, including many other popular plants such as philodendron, Dracaena, Chlorophytum, etc.

The Jade Pothos is also known as the “Jewel Orchid.” It belongs to the family Araceae. It has large, attractive leaves that range in color from light to dark green. Many cultivars are available for this high-growing plant with tiny lavender flowers or white flowers.

Pearls and Jade Pothos Care Guide Overview


The Jade Pothos is a lovely plant. It has dark green to light green leaves that have white, yellowish spots on the underside of the leaf.

It is a climbing vine and can grow up to 12 feet if supported well. It works well as an indoor-outdoor plant, given ample support for fast growth. However, it does not tolerate chilling below 55 degrees F or cold winds too well. If chilled or exposed to cold air, however brief, it will lose its leaves but bounce back when warm temperatures return.

This plant thrives best in 70% humidity despite preferred shade from partial sun exposure to bright indirect sunlight. The ideal temperature range for this plant is 60–90 degrees Fahrenheit with adequate moisture.

  • Scientific name and common names: Scindapsus aureus (Pothos Scindapsus), Golden Pothos.
  • Origin: This tropical evergreen vine originates from India, Taiwan, Malaysia, and New Guinea.
  • Indoor or Outdoor plant: Jades prefer an indoor environment where they can be protected from extremes temperatures.
  • Height and Structure: Pothos is an upright growing plant with long trailing leaves. The leaves are shiny and leathery in texture, measuring 6 to 12 inches in length.
  • Temperature: This plant thrives when growing at 70°F (21°C), but can be acclimated to higher temperatures (up to 85°F / 29°C). The lower temperature range of 65-70℉ (18-21℃) is ideal for most varieties of the Pothos plant.
  • Flower Color: They produce either lavender or white flowers, depending on the cultivar.

How To Plant The Pearls and Jade Pothos

Planting Time

Plant your Jade Pothos in the spring or fall.


Pothos is genuinely tropical, and it needs a lot of nutrients, so buy high-quality potting soil for this plant. You can also use coconut fiber chips with your regular potting mix.


The Jade pothos plants love humidity and will thrive in higher temperatures as long as they have plenty of water. If you notice that the leaves are drying out more rapidly than usual, you need to check your watering routine or increase the amount of humidity in the air around them.


Water thoroughly when potting the plant but do not water again until the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of soil is dry to touch – approximately every 5–7 days.

Purify the water before you use it to make sure that there is no chlorine in it. You can pour this over the plant’s soil to moisten it if you like. Then wait for about an hour and check to see if the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of soil is dry before watering again.


Pothos plants need plenty of nutrition to look beautiful, so fertilize them regularly throughout their lives with a general-purpose indoor plant fertilizer applied at half strength twice per year. A complete liquid fertilizer works well also because it contains essential micronutrients, but do not use one that has excessive amounts of nitrogen, or your plant could develop soft growth tips or open sores, which can be fatal.


This plant will get 6 to 12 inches wide so that you can plant it 6 to 12 inches apart from each other.


Place the Jade Pothos where it receives at least 4 hours of direct sunlight per day.


It prefers an acidic potting mixture with a pH between 5 and 7. Excessive fertilizer use may result in reduced variegation and yellowing leaves, as well as tip, burn, leaf loss, and root decay if the fertilizer is allowed to sit on the soil surface or is not flushed from the saucer after watering.


Water thoroughly until water trickles through drain holes, then allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry before watering again.

How To Grow The Pearls and Jade Pothos

Growth habits

It is a vining plant with leaves attaching from the nodes on the vines. It spreads out and will climb as long as it has something to climb.


This plant will need to be staked if left unsupported since it is fast growing and will fall over if not supported. You can use just about anything as a stake; even a wooden spoon or dowel rod would work fine.


Feed your Jade Pothos every two weeks during the spring and summer seasons, but reduce feeding by half in the fall and winter seasons. Feeding may be stopped entirely during cold weather when growth slows down.


Jade Pothos requires high levels of humidity. Try to maintain a humidity level around 50% or higher.


Mulch around the base of your plant with peat moss, bark chips, or pine needles to maintain moisture.

Pruning and Trimming

A form of pruning can be done by deadheading spent flowers. The leaves should be trimmed only when they display signs of deterioration or decline.

Pot And Repotting

Pothos do not need to be repotted often. Repotting only occurs when the plant is grown in a container that has become too small for its roots.


Pothos are usually propagated by cuttings but can be started from seeds as well.

Divide And Transplant

When your plant becomes crowded with roots, you will want to divide it. This can be done after your plant blooms or at any time during the summer months if desired. One Jade Pothos can produce up to 9 offspring plants when divided into enough individual divisions, so this is an excellent way to quickly increase your growing population of this specific species of Pothos.

Pests and Diseases

Pothos is susceptible to root rot caused by overwatering and poor drainage. It will also get spider mites if grown indoors with high humidity levels. Scale insects may attack jade plants as well. They can be removed manually or washed off using a solid stream of water from the hose.

Plant Species

Jade Plant – Crassula argentea (syn.: Kalanchoe thyrsiflora)
Location: Phoenix, AZ (Z9b), USDA zone 9b.
Easy to grow and maintain in the home suited for the low light levels found indoors. It can even tolerate occasional brief exposures to the full sun without harm if given plenty of water afterward to compensate for leaf burn.


Tomatoes are a good companion plant for plants like Phalaenopsis, Cymbidiums, Cattleya, etc., but this is not the case with Jade Pothos. This Pothos needs acidic soil conditions, which makes it incompatible with tomatoes that need alkaline soils. If you have many plants in your garden, do not put them together as they will just be fighting for nutrients and water.


Is the plant toxic?

Toxicity: No major health problems, but allergies may occur if ingested – more common in children who tend to eat leaves at times of teething! Thankfully the poison only lasts an hour or so and is passed out via urine, but if unsure, better safe than sorry.

Is it toxic for cats or dogs?

Can be toxic to dogs and cats. Side effects may include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, tremors, increased salivation, and altered behavior.
Notable varieties: There are many types of Pothos, and it is essential to know which one you have because some varieties can be poisonous to the touch or if ingested.

Commonly asked questions

Why is there a white powder on my Jade plant?

A white or blackish powder on the leaves of your jade plant means that you have scale. Scale are tiny creatures with a waxy covering that suck the sap out of the leaves, resulting in possible leaf drops or yellowing leaves. Use an appropriate insecticide to get rid of the scale.

Is it true that it’s terrible for me if I touch this plant?

No, it is not necessarily harmful, just irritating to some people who may have eczema or psoriasis problems. Others can’t breathe when within proximity of this plant – which gives cause for concern! Avoid the ground-level stems and picking from higher up near the leaves.

Is my plant healthy?

It is essential to understand the needs of your specific plant. What does it look like? If it has not changed in appearance during this current growth cycle, it is probably not getting enough sunlight. Jade Plants grown indoors can benefit from direct sunlight; make sure this is where they are located if you want them to flourish with health and beauty!

How do I get rid of aphids?

Aphids are very common, especially on plants that have been recently reported. They suck the sap from the leaves and inject chemicals into the plant to keep predators away. Aphids need regular attention because they reproduce every 2-3 days if unchecked! To take care of them, use an insecticide or soap spray according to bottle instructions. And avoid planting Pothos near tomatoes as it will encourage aphids.

Is my Pothos poisonous?

Humans can experience allergic reactions from touching this plant, including redness, swelling, and welts. Eating part of a jade plant is poisonous, and the effects may last for a few hours. Although these can be reduced by rinsing your mouth with soap and water, it is still inadvisable to ingest any part of this plant!

Is my Phothos dying?

If your jade plant has been moved from its original location, ensure no transpiration signs when replanting it in the appropriate container size. Also, make sure that the soil mix is moist yet draining; add more if necessary. If you see yellow or brown leaves, they could indicate problems such as overwatering or underwatering – which requires immediate care or will likely result in death.


In summary, Pothos is a beautiful plant with many benefits. It’s straightforward to grow and maintain in a home suited for low light levels found indoors. They can even tolerate occasional brief exposures to the full sun without harm if given plenty of water afterward to compensate for leaf burn.

When placed inside the house, Pothos does not need direct sunlight, but it can benefit from occasional sun exposure to prevent pale green leaves. The plant occasionally gets dust on its leaves, which needs cleaning; don’t worry, this is perfectly normal! You should also avoid touching your jade plant or put it in a place where people may brush against it often, as this may irritate sensitive skin and cause discomfort or allergic reactions.

If you want an instant green, healthy-looking plant, look no further than the Pothos.

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