Peperomia Rana Verde Care Guide

Peperomia Rana Verde Care Guide

Peperomia Rana Verde is a compact, easy-to-care-for houseplant that is appropriate for any home or office. Its heart-shaped, wrinkled dark green leaves are striking and improve indoor air quality. Peperomia Rana Verde is a good choice for both novice and experienced plant enthusiasts.

Peperomia Rana Verde Care Guide Overview


  • Scientific Name: Peperomia albovittata “Rana Verde”
  • Common Names: Chinese Rubber Plant, Rippled Chinese Money Plant, Ripple Peperomia
  • Origin: Plants of these species are native to South America, specifically Peru and Ecuador. This variety is a hybrid developed in the Netherlands in 2012. If you propagate your Peperomia Rana Verde, the new plants will be true to the parent.
  • Indoor or Outdoor Plant: In most areas, Peperomia Rana Verde will do best indoors. It may be grown outdoors in pots when the ideal temperature, lighting and humidity requirements are met. If is it placed outdoors, it will need to be relocated indoors if inclement weather occurs.
  • Height and Structure: Peperomia Rana Verde will grow to about 8 – 12 inches tall and wide. It will make an excellent tabletop plant since it tends to be slow growing and will not grow very large.
  • Temperature: The ideal temperature for Peperomia Rana Verde is 65 – 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 – 24 degrees Celsius). It cannot tolerate temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Peperomia Rana Verde Flower Color: In the summer, Peperomia Rana Verde flower may bloom with small, less than 1 inch orange spiked flowers. The Peperomia Rana Verde flowers are not very showy, this plant is prized mostly for its striking foliage.

How to Plant the Peperomia Rana Verde


Peperomia Rana Verde prefers 6 to 8 hours of bright indirect light a day. If it receives too much direct sunlight the leaves may burn. It also does well in fluorescent lighting which makes it a good choice for an office plant


As it is a semi-succulent, Peperomia Albovittata Rana Verde requires well drained soil. A commercial succulent potting soil will work fine, as well as a standard potting mixture if it is not kept too wet.

How to Grow the Peperomia Rana Verde

Growth Habits

This plant has a compact growing habit which will not require much work at all to maintain in a standard pot. It will not require staking or regular pruning to maintain its shape.


Peperomia Rana Verde will need for the top 1 inch or more of the soil to be dry before being watered which may be once or twice a week. Do not allow the plant to sit in water or it may get root rot or fungus. It will most likely require more water in the summer that the winter, so remember to adjust accordingly. The leaves can retain moisture, so the plant can be allowed to dry out and will recover with watering. Peperomia Rana Verde prefers to be dryer rather than wet. The most common problem with keeping this plant is overwatering.


Fertilize lightly with a liquid houseplant fertilizer three to four times in the spring and summer growing season. It is important that the fertilizer not contact the leaves as this will cause the leaves to burn. There is no need to fertilize in the cooler winter months.


Peperomia Rana Verde will do well with most indoor humidity levels that we find comfortable. If the air is excessively dry, you can place a saucer of pebbles with water in them under the plant to provide a little more humidity. This plant can tolerate extra humidity without a problem as the plant originates from a tropical area.


There is no need to mulch Peperomia Albovittata Rana Verde, as it likes to be drier, however you can mulch with sand to help prevent or control fungus gnats.

Trimming and Pruning

Peperomia Rana Verde is slow growing and tends to keep its shape, so there is not much need to prune or trim your plant. You may remove any yellowing leaves or if you’d like, take tip cuttings from the top to start new plants. It is best to do this in the spring at the start of the growing season.


The deeply grooved leaves may collect dust so you may have to clean them periodically. Simply use a damp cotton swab to clean the grooves very gently. Remember, the leaves can be delicate so extra care must be taken not the damage them.

Pot and Repotting

Peperomia Rana Verde prefers to be slightly rootbound so do not repot it in a pot that is too large. It will grow slowly and does not need frequent repotting. It will prefer an unglazed, slightly shallower clay pot that is about 1 inch larger that the previous pot.

Peperomia Rana Verde Propagation

Peperomia Rana Verde can be propagated from the stems, stem tips or leaf portions. Once you take a cutting, allow it to dry at room temperature in order the heal the wound. Then use a good quality rooting hormone powder to dust the end, place it the rooting medium or soil, and cover with at plastic bag to retain humidity.

Keep the rooting medium moist, and within a few weeks the roots will start developing and soon shoots will start to appear. This process takes patience as the plants are rather slow growing.

Pests and Diseases

Peperomia Albovittata Rana Verde plant tends to be disease and pest resistant, however as with any houseplant it can have problems with mealy bugs, spider mites or aphids. If the plant does encounter these problems, you can swab the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or neem oil to help control the problem.


Rana Verde Peperomia makes a striking display with other succulents and cacti. Because it has a slightly greater water requirement, it is best to keep the plant in its separate pot to ensure it gets enough water.

peperomia rana verde Toxicity

Peperomia Rana Verde is nontoxic to both humans and pets. However, it is always best to ensure that pets or small children do not have access to any houseplants. The delicate leaves of Peperomia Rana Verde can be damaged easily.

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