Philodendron Paraiso Verde is a beautiful pant featuring stunning mottle leaves growing on its stems. Paraiso Verde is a Spanish word meaning green paradise. These plants are a worthy addition to your indoor houseplant collection. The plant’s main attraction is leaves. Philodendron Paraiso Verde has unique, long leaves that will make your indoor setting gorgeous.
Philodendron Paraiso Verde Care Guide Overview
- How To Plant (when & where)
- How To Grow (staking, watering, fertilizing, humidity, mulching)
- How To Trim And Prune
- How To Pot And Repot
- How To Propagate (when & how)
- And Pests and Diseases, Plant Species, Companions, Toxicity
- Common name: Marina Ruy Barbusa
- Scientific name: Philodendron Paraiso Verde
- Family: Arum
- Subfamily: Araceae
- Genus: Philodendron
Philodendron was first identified in the seventeenth century, and since then, many species have been added to the gnus making it vast. You can identify a Philodendron genus by looking at its large leaves. The plants originated from the tropical regions of South America, where they are now largely found. Most of the plants also grow in West Indies. Philodendrons love shady and humid areas; therefore, they have diverse habitats. They can be found in the tropical rainforest, beside river banks and swamps, indicating they love moisture.
Indoor or Outdoor Plant
Philodendron Paraiso Verde is an impressive collection for your indoor garden. The plant species love shady and humid conditions; hence indoor settings are ideal for the plants. You can also grow them in your outdoor garden.
Height and Structure
When you properly care for the plants, they can attain a height of 10-15 inches. Once they reach the maximum height, you will need to provide external support.
In terms of the plant’s structure, the leaves are its main feature. They have beautiful, elongated, green leaves with lengths ranging from 5-10 inches.
These leaves may sometimes have different variations of green depending on the environment in which you place them. If the plant gets optimal and equal sunlight, the leaves will have even color. But when the sunlight distribution is irregular, some leaves will have darker while others lighter shade of green. Philodendron stems are smaller than the leaves. Due to this, support like a rod is necessary when the plant grows bigger since the stem will be unable to hold the weight of the leaves.
Philodendron Paraiso Verde originates from tropical regions so, it can thrive in warmer temperatures. The plan does not tolerate extreme fluctuations in temperature. During the cold months, you can put the plant in the warmer parts of the house.
Humidity Tolerance
These plants love humid environments. They can tolerate up to 65-70% or even higher levels of moisture in the air. Therefore, your plants will do well if you reside in a humid environment.
Because Philodendron Paraiso Verde prefers humidity in the air and sufficient moisture in the soils, they are likely to grow below their potential in dry and water-deficient environments.
Pressure Tolerance
The plant’s leaves are tough and leathery. These features prevent moisture from escaping from the plant and also protect it from pressure. Thus, under high pressure, the species will not immediately collapse. But, frequent external pressures may be harmful to the plant, so they should be avoided.
Flower Color
Although rare, mature plants may produce spathes with green-white flowering.
How To Plant The Philodendron Paraiso Verde
Planting Time
The timeline for planting Philodendron Paraiso Verde are as below:
- Week 1-2: Place the stem cuttings in the ideal sol mixture and provide the optimal growth conditions. Use lots of water and apply fertilizer once.
- Week 2-3: If you provide the suitable conditions, the cuttings will start sprouting.
- Week 3 onwards: Consistent care and irrigation will enable the cuttings to grow into healthy plants.
Once you notice the roost are well-developed, you can transplant them to a plant pot. Keep in mind that Philodendron Paraiso Verde plants take weeks or months to develop to maturity.
The plants require adequate indirect light. Direct sunlight damages the leaves. It can burn them, or if the plants are variegated, it will damage the pattern on the leaves. Since they originate from the tropical region, they love shades. That is why you should place behind curtains in a well-lit room to mellow light hitting directly on the leaves.
One of the essential requirements for plant growth is soil with proper drainage. The soil texture should be able to absorb a suitable amount of water and drain the rest. The plants thrive in light, porous and well-drained soils. Philodendrons have root rot issues, and their roots may also suffocate and die if the soil is water-clogged. The species love organic soil mixture; thus, you can use a damp, rich, organic potting mix for these plants.
Temperature Requirements
Though they do not have a specific temperature range, Philodendrons prefer warmer temperatures of approximately 55-98 degrees Fahrenheit. Warmer temperatures allow for smooth plant growth; hence it is important to maintain temperatures in the averring range.
Protecting the plants against direct exposure and harsh temperature fluctuations like heating and ventilation systems is necessary. Additionally, you need to keep them away from direct open windows, especially during winter. Low or frosty temperatures are harmful to the plant and cause stunted growth. The plants cannot produce leaves in cold temperatures.
How To Grow The Philodendron Paraiso Verde
Growth Habits
Philodendrons’ growth rated depends on the conditions it is growing. Optimal conditions allow the plants to grow quickly and sprout within a few weeks. But unfavorable conditions will extend sprouting and growth into considerable size for months. The good news is that this should not worry you as long as the plants are healthy.
These species have a slower growth rate during the winter months. Avoid overfeeding or watering the plants frequently as it will not accelerate their growth. During this period, supply only the required amount of water and do not prune the plants. They will return to normal after a few months.
Frequent watering is critical, but you should then let the soil dry before the next session. Water requirements also vary with seasons: you should increase water during summers and reduce it during the winter season. Re-watering will saturate wet soil and cause plant suffocation. Underwatering is also harmful to the plant.
Overwatering and under watering cause yellowing of leaves, stunted growth, and drooping leaves. Before watering the plant, feel the soil’s texture with your fingers or use a moisture meter to ensure the top layer is dry. You can also feel the pot’s weight: if it is not as heavy as it was after watering, you need to add more water. The ideal water for Philodendrons is rainwater because it is lukewarm. You can also use distilled water for irrigating the species.
Philodendron Paraiso Verde can survive with little fertilizer. Your fertilizing routine will depend on the type of fertilizer you are using slow-release fertilizers can be applied three times annually. In contrast, you can apply fast-release fertilizers every 6-8 weeks. Stunted growth, unusual size of leaves, or faded, new leaves is an indication that the plants need fertilizer.
During the winter season, plant growth is dormant; therefore, you should decrease fertilizer requirements. You can also make your fertilizer using coffee grounds, banana peels, and eggshells, but you should be careful about the soil’s ph.
As aforementioned, Philodendrons are tropical plants that require high humidity levels to develop shiny, large leaves. Although they can do well in a low humidity environment too, their leaves will be thinner and brown. You can ensure the plants get sufficient moisture during winter by installing indoor humidifiers. Further, you can pour distilled water into a spray bottle and mist the plants regularly. You can also maximize moisture around the plant by placing the plant in pebbles in a tray filled with water.
Mulching will help preserve moisture in the soil to ensure proper growth.
Trimming and Pruning
Philodendron Paraiso Verde have a beautiful growing habit; therefore, you do not have to worry about constant pruning and trimming. Grooming and pruning ensure the good, healthy growth of your plants. It also helps maintain plant loneliness and dryness. Frequently mist the Philodendrons with Neem oil or distilled water and wipe it clean to make the leaves brighter and shiny and keep pests and bugs away.
Pot and Repotting
You need to re-pot your plants when you notice the roots grow out of the drainage holes. When Philodendrons reach the maximum size, their roots become bound, so you need to re-pot. These species need re-potting annually in the spring season into a generous pot to ensure the plant’s roots develop. Avoid re-potting during winter.
Philodendron Paraiso Verde Propagation
Stem cuttings are one of the best ways of propagating Philodendron Paraiso Verde at home. Philodendron Paraiso Verde propagation is easy; you only need to cut stems from a healthy species, plant them in a good pot with suitable, well-drained soil, and provide the plant with optimal conditions. Follow the process below to make the process simple:
- Choose a healthy plant that does not have abnormal conditions.
- Use a sharp, clean knife to cut a few stems from the plant.
- Eliminate all the leaves from the cuttings and leave only two leaves.
- Put the cutting in the right soil.
- Place the planter in a room with warm temperatures, plenty of humidity, and under indirect light.
Avoid choosing plants with the following issues:
- Dark spots on the leaves
- Tiny holes in the leaves
- Yellow leaves
- Pest colonies below the leaves
- Weak stems
Divide and Transplant
Always choose a large pot for re-potting and fill it with a good soil mixture. Then softly transfer the plant to the new planter.
Pests and Diseases
Despite the tough plant structure, Philodendrons Paraiso Verde are not resistant to disease and pests. Philodendrons face issues like lead blights, leaves browning, leaf spots, and tip burns. These plants can be infested by pests such as aphids, scales and spider mites. These species are prone to pest and disease infestation if they are exposed to unacceptable growing conditions. If the soil is water-clogged or there is too much humidity in the air, the plants risk pests and infections. Therefore, the easiest way to avoid the issues is to check the plants regularly and ensure they are under optimal conditions.
Moreover, you need to keep your plant clean and dry by preventing excessive accumulation of dust and moisture on the surface of the leaves. If your plant has a disease, you should isolate it immediately to prevent the spread of the pest or disease. You can use appropriate methods like insecticides or fungicides to get rid of unwanted pests and diseases.
Aphids are small insects that attack indoor plants grown in dirty spaces. You need to inspect your plant to see them. If you sot these insects, you can wash the plant using insecticidal soap. The method kills the insects within a short time.
Leaf Curling
Philodendron Paraiso Verde plants experience leaf curling when exposed to high amounts of fertilization or low humidity conditions. To avoid this, you should apply fertilizer once during the growing season and use a hygrometer to monitor humidity. What’s more, you should consider using liquid fertilizer. Dilute your regular fertilizer with water to create a low-strength mixture and pour it at the base of the plant.
Philodendron Paraiso Verde are perennial plants that require minimal maintenance; thus, they can last for extended periods. Being rare, the plants are an important investment. In addition, they are cost-effective and will ensure you get your money’s value.
Though they are unique, the species do not demand extra effort, money, or time in terms of maintenance. They are perfect for people with busy schedules or those who do not like spending much time on plants.
Plant Species
Philodendron Paraiso Verde plant comes from the philodendrons genus. The species came into existence in the early 1640s. During that time, six plant species were identified and collected. Heinrich Schott officially named the genus Philodendron in 1829. Today, the Philodendron genus has around 800 species, each with a unique size, color, and shape. All the species are popular for their beautiful college.
Philodendrons love growing around trees as they climb on trunks and branches of trees neighboring them.
Philodendron juice leaves contain harmful substances referred to as calcium oxalate crystals. If you lick or eat the plant, the crystals can enter the body and cause swelling from your mouth to the stomach. The inflammation and pain escalate over time. So, in case of accidental ingestion, seek immediate medical attention. Furthermore, the surface of leaves may have bacteria which may cause fatal infections. Therefore, you need to clean the plan every day.
Is the Philodendron Paraiso Verde toxic for cats or dogs?
If your pests eat the plant, they may vomit or experience a burning feeling and swelling of the throats, tongue, and lips. They may also have difficulty breathing and sometimes diarrhea. Thus, it would be best if you hung the plants where your pets cannot reach them.
Philodendron Paraiso Verde has a combination of beautiful leaves and small sizes, making them ideal for display on surfaces like tables and empty shelves in your home or office. You can also place them on empty corners or in TV lounges. However, the species is rare and not easily available. Consider yourself lucky if you get these ornamental plants.
Philodendron Paraiso Verde is easy to care for, and they require minimal time and money for maintenance. What’s more, the plants are evergreen; they remain bright and beautiful throughout the year. Proper care involves maintaining moist soils to hydrate the plant well, providing adequate indirect sunlight, and using excellent-quality fertilizers.